About me

I am Ahamed Ashfaaq Rifath. I'm an undergraduate of BSc(Hons) Computer Science & Software Engineering at SLIIT Academy affiliate University Of Bedfordshire UK. I am dedicated and committed to exploring cutting-edge emerging technologies. Passionate about exploring new technologies, I enjoy working on my own personal projects in my leisure time.

Continuously seeking growth and self-improvement, I embrace challenges as opportunities for personal and professional development. With a dedication to learning, I am committed to adapting to the ever-changing landscape of technology and evolving as a skilled Computer Science and Software Engineering professional.

Interests & Hobbies

  • design icon

    Building websites

    The most modern and high-quality design made at a professional level.

  • Web development icon

    Desktop apps

    High-quality development of sites at the professional level.

  • mobile app icon

    Android apps

    Professional development of applications for iOS and Android.

  • camera icon

    Artificial intelligence

    I make high-quality photos of any category at a professional level.

Some of my projects

  • Casper

    A desktop assistant written in Python to automate tasks such as Taking notes, Searching the web, Open and close applications and more.

  • YouTube Downloader

    This GUI tool allows users to download YouTube videos in three resolutions, and has the option to convert MP4 files to MP3.

  • TerminalChat

    Command line based real-time chat room application that uses socket programming and supports multiple users and admin functions.

  • SCP Foundation Terminal

    This terminal based web scraping program retrieves data from the SCP Wiki site about the SCP Foundation, enabling users to easily access and save information about the fictional organization.


Copyright © 2024 Ashfaaq Rifath


Career Objective

My career objective is to expose myself to a challenging opportunity where the focus of my role allows me to contribute effectively and efficiently to the growth of an organization by implementing interpersonal skills, confidence, and innovative thinking to back up the smooth flow of the organization and to support in building and retaining a strong and better image.


  1. BSc (Hons) Computer Science & Software Engineering

    2023 - Present

    SLIIT Academy, University Of Bedfordshire UK

  2. GCE Advanced Level (2022)


    Isipathana College Colombo 5

  3. Diploma In Information Technology (DiTEC)


    ESOFT Metro Campus

  4. GCE Ordinary Level (2019)


    Isipathana College Colombo 5


  1. The Complete Python Bootcamp


    Credential ID: UC-a7fda44d-8bcd-4b65-8fe3-9254e9ab75bd

  2. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

    Google Digital Garage

    Credential ID: A2M AFT AWQ

Programming Skills

Copyright © 2024 Ashfaaq Rifath

My Blog

Copyright © 2024 Ashfaaq Rifath

Contact Me

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Location

    Colombo, Sri Lanka

Contact Form


Copyright © 2024 Ashfaaq Rifath